About Titles

Some years ago I was in a gallery, or perhaps it was at MOMA in NYC. One of the pieces on the wall had a title like “Abstract number XVII”. I remember quite distinctly thinking “what a lazy artist! Can’t come up with a better title than that?”

Now it is my turn to be faced with a new piece of work, and the need to put a title on it, so there is something to fill in the appropriate space on the tag at the gallery, or the page on the website. Now I have a great deal more sympathy for that artist who offended my sensibilities! But I feel obliged to come up with something, you see.

The titles I’ve chosen are in a sense in opposition to the very ideas that inspired this work. My thought was to create work that in no sense prejudges your response to it. It is intended rather to puzzle the viewer, and be open to a variety of interpretations.